Call for Abstract

The Scientific Committee of the 10th European Botanic Gardens Congress (Eurogard 10) are calling for abstracts (presentations and posters) to be presented at the meeting in Rome, Italy in 2025.

Call for Abstract START Submission DEADLINE Submission Abstract selection notifications
Abstracts will only be accepted electronically and should be submitted online only through the platform: January 27, 2025 April 18, 2025 It will be communicated to the authors by May 20, 2025

REGISTRATION IS MANDATORY to submit an Abstract (max. two allowed as "presenter" per registration).


Authors should indicate their preference for:

  • Oral presentation
  • Poster presentation

Please indicate one Topic and max two most relevant Sessions (conference Topics and Sessions) for your abstract.

Abstracts must be submitted in English and must be formatted as follows (see the Abstract Template here(link):

  • Title of abstract: Arial font, bold, font size 12.
  • Author, A.A., Second-Author, B.B., Third, C.C. and So-on, D.D. Arial font, font size 10, bold (lead presenter).
  • Affiliations Arial font, font size 10.
  • Main text: Arial font, size font 10.
  • Type or paste your text into the abstract template provided below but remember to keep the page right and left margins the same as is set here which is 2.5 cm all round
  • Paragraphs are justified (straight edged) on both left and right.
  • The limit for your abstract is 2.500 characters
  • Include all authors' details including email address
  • Define all abbreviations
  • Figures, tables and reference list should not be included in the abstract.
  • Keywords should be provided as a must (no more than 5 words).
  • Abstracts must not contain copyrighted material
  • Abstracts must be uploaded in the .docx format.

Abstracts that do not conform to the guidelines will be asked to revise.


Selected speakers will be allocated a total of 18 minutes for their oral presentations including question time (15+3).

  • The precise time-duration of presentations will be established later, based on the number of accepted oral communications.
  • The Congress language is English.
  • Text in slides accompanying presentations must be in English.
  • All presentations will be displayed via the congress computers. Speakers will not be allowed to use their own laptop.


Preferred poster size is portrait A0 (841 mm wide x 1189 mm high)
Please keep in mind the usual recommendations for posters (do not overload with text, use sufficiently large character and symbol size, etc.)

ABSTRACT SELECTION NOTIFICATIONS will be sent out to the corresponding authors by the fixed date.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.


Please note that the presenting author of each accepted abstract has to complete his/her early bird registration before the schedule is finalized. The preliminary program schedule will be finalized following the early bird registration deadline.


If you have any questions, please contact the congress secretariat



Botanic Gardens Congress
Museo dell'Orto Botanico, Sapienza Roma

Polo museale, Sapienza Roma

San Pietro  Roma