Scientific Committee
Chair: Fabio Attorre - Director Botanic Garden of Rome, Sapienza University of Rome
Secretary: Vito Emanuele Cambria, Botanic Garden of Rome, Sapienza University of Rome
- Costantino Bonomi, MUSE
- Tiziana Ulian, University of Turin
- Gianni Bedini, University of Pisa
- Gianni Bacchetta, University of Cagliari
- Mauro Giorgio Mariotti, University of Genova
- Stefano Martellos, University of Trieste
- Giulia Caneva, Roma Tre University
- Valeria Scala, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics (CREA)
Advisory Committee Members
- Heidi Lie ANDERSEN, University of Bergen, Natural History Museum, Norway
- Jože BAVCON, University Botanic Gardens Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Joseph BUHAGIAR, Argotti Botanic Gardens and Resource Centre, Malta
- Maïté DELMAS, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, France
- Koen ES, The Network of Belgium Botanic Gardens and Arboreta, Belgium
- Nicolas FREYRE, Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève, Switzerland
- Joachim GRATZFELD, Descanso House, BGCI
- Mats HAVSTRÖM, Gothenburg Botanic Garden, Sweden
- Thierry HELMINGER, Musée national d’histoire naturelle Botany – Collections, Luxembourg
- Marko HYVäRINEN, Botany Unit, Finnish Museum of Natural History, Finland
- Peter Wyse JACKSON, Missouri Botanical Garden, USA
- Devra JARVIS, Raffaella Foundation, USA
- Matthew JEBB, National Botanic Gardens of Ireland, Ireland
- Paul J. A. KESSLER, Hortus Botanicus Leiden, Leiden University, The Netherlands
- Michael KIEHN, Botanischer Garten der Universitat Wien, Austria
- Asta KLIMIENE, Klaipeda University Botanic Garden, Lithuania
- Krasimir KOSSEV, University Botanic Gardens, Bulgaria
- Nils KÖSTER, Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin, Germany
- Maja LAZAREVIĆ, Botanical Garden Jevremovac, Serbia
- Eleni MALOUPA, Balkan Botanic Garden of Kroussia, Greece
- Silvia Villegas NAVARRO, Real Jardín Botánico, CSIC, Spain
- Vlastik RYBKA, Prague Botanical Garden, Czech Republic
- Ole SEBERG, Natural History Museum of Demark, Botanic Gardens, Denmark
- Urve SINIJÄRV, Tallinn Botanic Garden, Estonia
- Ana Luísa SOARES, Jardim Botânico da Ajuda, Lisbon, Portugal
- Vanja N. STAMENKOVIC, Zagreb University Botanical garden, Croatia
- Simon TOOMER, Plant Net, United Kingdom
- Loukia VASSILIOU, Agricultural Research Institute, Cyprus
- Ludmila VISHNEVSKA, National Botanic Garden of Latvia, Latvia
- Justyna WILAND-SZYMAŃSKA, Botanical Garden of the A. Mickiewicz University, Poland
- Vince ZSIGMOND, Hungarian Association of Arboreta and Botanic Gardens, Hungary